How motherhood changed me!

There is something miraculous about being a mother. Whether motherhood is a sacrifice or a privilege I am yet to figure out, but it definitely is something I appreciate and wouldn’t I have my life any other way.

I am certainly not the same person I was before having a daughter. Being a mother has changed me for good, it’s difficult to describe in words until you experience it for yourself.

The sacrifices I make in my everyday life as a mother, now feel more like adjustments that I make and feel privileged about making. As a mother I go out of the way to make sure everything falls right in place. Everything is more planned and orrganised in my life now unlike the spontaneous ride before.

Motherhood comes as a constant amazement to me. I once believed I was fearless and more carefree in life, but now motherhood has made me cautious of little things. I am afraid of leaving my baby away for a while, I am in pain if I see her sick or suffering. On the other hand being a mother has also made me much stronger as a person; when it comes to my daughter I can fight with my own self.

I now respect myself more as a woman, I feel it really needs a super human power to nurture a calm and happy child for nine months in your womb. Everyday I want to improve as an individual to be an ideal role model for my daughter. I want to bring in more positivity, stay fit and eat healthy to raise a healthy and responsible individual. I continuously try to make our own little world a better place for her to live in.

Motherhood has made me realise the true definition of being happy is that one extra hug or kiss from my little one. Being a mother is all about putting your child first, it’s about buying a doll house rather than those pair of red shoes you really want and feeling just as ecstatic about it. Now, when I have my feet in my parents shoes I can exactly understand what they did for me and why. I respect them for the happy adjustments they made to make me what I am today as a human being.

The ride up until now has been exhilarating and I can’t wait to see what motherhood has in store for me next. It helped me discover my true inner strength. It has transformed me into a better and more responsible individual. Being a mother makes me want to be so much more than I am.  Motherhood has and will continue to teach me intense and concentrated lessons of life like selflessness, compassion, empathy, courage, endurance, patience, long-suffering, and charity. All I know is, with every passing day it’s proving to be a little more of privilege and a little less of sacrifice.

This post is a part of the blog train- 2 started by Pooja Kawatra of Mums & Babies where she has brought together mothers from across the globe. Do read her blog post on How Motherhood has changed me – and more on the blog train Here-

8 Replies to “How motherhood changed me!”

  1. “Being a mother is all about putting your child first, it’s about buying a doll house rather than those pair of red shoes you really want and feeling just as ecstatic about it.” – This is hands down the biggest reality as a mother of a daughter. Loved reading your post.


  2. Lovely post Cheni! Your baby is lucky to have you 😊😊 I completely agree that I’ve found new respect for my own parents too.. they’ve handled us so well haha!


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